Occasionally, connectivity with RosettaHealth endpoints runs into unexpected complications associated with misconfigured firewalls, configuration rules, etc. When this occurs, it becomes difficult to diagnose why IHE transaction are not being processed correctly due to doubt of the underlying infrastructure.
This very simple process will clearly discern if IHE endpoint connectivity is established or not. This process simply replaces a valid IHE endpoint with a bogus IHE endpoint that will still get to RosettaHealth, but will be easy to find in our logs.
Step 1: Replace a RosettaHealth IHE endpoint
1. Note the current IHE endpoint value. You will need to replace this after this test is complete
2. Replace the IHE endpoint with
a. For test ... https://ihetest.rosettahealth.net:5445/Connectivity/Validation/Test/IHE/Endpoint
b. For production ... https://ihe.rosettahealth.net:5446/Connectivity/Validation/Production/IHE/Endpoint
Step 2: Initiate an IHE transaction from the application (eg. EHR)
1. Note the time. This will be important later to find the transaction in RosettaHealth logs
2. Initiate the appropriate IHE transaction from your application (e.g. if you change the ITI-18 endpoint, initiate an ITI-18).
Step 3: Validate connectivity
If there is connectivity with RosettaHealth, the string "Connectivity/Validation/Test/IHE/Endpoint" or "Connectivity/Validation/Production/IHE/Endpoint" will appear in the logs with a time stamp within a few seconds of when the IHE transaction was initiated. If the string is not found, there is a connectivity issue that need to be resolved (e.g wrong ip, firewalls, etc) see network troubleshooting section below.
If this test is being done live with a RosettaHealth representative on a call, they will be able to tell you in a few minutes if they can find this string.
If the test is not being done live, notify your project manager with the timestamp, type of IHE transaction, and contact info. RosettaHealth will look for the validation string and notify you if it was found with an email response. Note: this may take 24 hours as these emails are generally only processed once a day.
Step 4: Restore original IHE Endpoint
1. Restore the IHE endpoint value to the noted value in step 1.1
Network troubleshooting
The following diagram is provided to help explain the networking involved in connecting to RosettaHealth and what may need checking if connectivity issues are experienced. The detail following the diagram explains an alternate path for connecting which may avoid the what is causing the connectivity issue.
If you are experiencing issues connecting to any addresses beginning https://ihetest.rosettahealth.net:5445/ and https://ihe.rosettahealth.net:5446/ the issue may be due to RosettaHealth's use of non-standard ports, 5445 and 5446.
The following "clindocx" endpoints all use the standard HTTPS port (443) so please instead try these to see if this resolves your connection issues
- For test ... https://clindocx-test.rosettahealth.net/Connectivity/Validation/Test/IHE/Endpoint
- For production ... https://clindocx.rosettahealth.net/Connectivity/Validation/Production/IHE/Endpoint
Please note any URL beginning https://ihe.rosettahealth.net:5446/ can have the hostname and port changed to clindocx.rosettahealth.net for example
- Test XDR ... https://ihetest.rosettahealth.net:5446/service/xdr
can instead be https://clindocx-test.rosettahealth.net/service/xdr - Production XDR ... https://ihe.rosettahealth.net:5446/service/xdr
can instead be https://clindocx.rosettahealth.net/service/xdr
Side note
For backwards compatibility all URLs beginning https://ihetest.rosettahealth.net:5445/ and https://ihe.rosettahealth.net:5446/ will be maintained, however moving forward there's no reason not to...
- Use clindocx.rosettahealth.net instead of ihe.rosettahealth.net:5446
- Use clindocx-test.rosettahealth.net instead of ihetest.rosettahealth.net:5445
By using the "clindocx" hostnames it should reduce the need for facilities to configure exceptions in their networks to allow connections to non-standard ports at RosettaHealth.